58th Annual Reunion of the Doolittle Raiders thank you card


April 13 – 16 2000
Something between a program and a thank you note, it has the date of the reuinon with the insignia for the Doolittle Raiders.  The Insignia is a yellow shield with a b-25 bomber above seven crosses. Beneath that is a circle with four different insignias of the four different squadrons that made up the group. Above on ribbons is the words 'Doolittle Raiders' and below 'Toujours au Danger' or 'Ever into peril.'  Below the insignia is that it's the 58th anniversary reunion during the dates of April 13-16, 2000.

Inside the program is written 'Thank you for your generous support of our 58th Annual Reunion."  The rest of the space is filled up with signatures of doolittle raiders.
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